relatable content


For my Vata-deranged folk out there, this post comes from the heart and a place I used to call home in my body. Have you ever worked so much for a job, or for yourself, that all you know how to do is work? 

For those who work steady jobs with x amount of days off a week, does it feel like when those days off show up you feel slightly lost at what to do? Perhaps, you’ve got a weeks worth of things to accomplish to make up for lost time that instead of your intentional-productivity, overwhelm seeps deep and leaves you unknowing of what to do OR you’re probably so physically, mentally and spiritually drained from long repetitive hours. What I’m saying is, when it’s finally time to have precious time available for yourself and not just work, it can be confusing as to what to do with that time because you’re being given the decision. Those days off become part of a cyclical pattern of repetitive known motion telling you to go to work, go home, eat, sleep, repeat. Am I right? How do I enjoy and slow myself down after that past work week!?

What usually happens when our schedule becomes so pre-determined by work (this can be school and creative positions as well): our creative and intuitive mind suffers. 

Some relatable signs of this can be: when I have a day(s) off…

  • The free space makes me anxious and makes me not feel like doing anything. Vata.

  • I may linger around most the day not actually accomplishing what I wanted to do and feel guilty for it later. Kapha.

  • Work gives me a routine and when it’s not there I’m wild and free or I feel lost. Pitta.

  • I may be too tired to exist (valid!) Vata depletion. 

  • I play catch up and perhaps don’t listen for my body's signs to slow down but do get what I need to do done. Potentially being more tired when work begins again. Vata/Pitta.

  • I relax and take it slow, enjoying my day and feeding my body what it needs. Kapha.

Are one of these (or all of these) a bit of you? I know I’ve done them all. 

While working is amazing and can keep us aligned with our goals and successes, it’s imperative to think about how much of your energy is going into your work, and how much of your energy is (or isn’t) going into your well being. 

Life is also not a race, my Loves. Often, we feel there isn’t enough time in the day or the month and if we don’t cram-utilize that time, then we’re falling behind in the world, with ourselves and with our personal endeavors (or businesses). This is a personal belief system. Everything always gets done at the divine time and how it was supposed to be. Repeat that and add that to your affirmation tool box.

Humans love to work. It’s actually both regulating and addictive for our brains. However, feel into how working regiments our sleeping habits, eating habits, traveling habits, self-care routines, friendships, intimate relationships, creates new relationships, exposes us to new learnings, inspires our dreams, determines our social environments, fluctuates our emotions, affects how we live and where we live, etc. It’s a huge resource to our lives and also your divine choice. But when is it time to see the truth and reserve some of that precious Prana (energy & life force) for yourself?

As winter creeps in for my seasonal Sangha, water and coolness will sweep in with intention to freeze, to pause, to slow down. Things that are unusual and unwanted typically arise because we’re supposed to ebb and flow with the seasons. The hustle of summertime sunshine lays down to rest in the pillows of winter’s white snow. So allow yourself to, too.

~ Are there aspects of your life where you can set clearer intentions with work and your personal life?

~ Are you giving away all of your energy on what feeds you or leaves you feeling more depleted? (Ie. Too much technology.)

~ What is one thing I can bring into my week, or better yet, my day that will help me slow down?

~ Are you in “Get Sh*t Done-Mode” or letting yourself have quality time?

Stay tuned in and follow me on Instagram @kieran.bammann for my post on Cold Time Rituals, to come.


Getting curious about what I mean when I say Vata, Pitta, Kapha? Take this free quiz on Banyan Botanicals website to find out your Dosha:

If you’re wanting to understand more about yourself, Ayurvedically, send me a personal email or reach out via. Instagram.

Thank you for reading, my dears.


Ray of Light