female freedom


If we don’t know our bones, we don’t know the earth. If we don’t know the earth, we don’t know ourselves.

The earth is a part of us. She is structure. She is foundational. She is strength, dense, compact, dirt, clay, magma and stone. She is our bones that support all of our precious organs and systems. With that, she is our physical body. When we feel unyoked with our bodies, we don’t feel secure in other aspects of our lives.

As children we are born into bodies as innocence with non judgment. Everything is. All the things you lay eyes on are simply beautiful, until we are taught otherwise.

Feeling ashamed of our body is a taught sense. Feeling ashamed of our skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc. is a taught sense. Feeling ashamed of the amount of space you take up with your body is a taught sense. 

As a child all of our foundational psychological thinking patterns are developed until the age of six through our observations of our environments, methods of how we were raised and treated, as well as the abundance of reactivity emotions that our parents, loved ones, grandmothers, grandfathers, caretakers and even ancestors around us carried. 

So that by the time we rise to be a pre-teen, our relationship to understanding who we are with the foundations that we have received from our upbringing show up as our greatest lessons in confidence, connection, comparison and most profoundly, our relationship to our own self worth.

I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the deep, deep resonance and power in all that suffering.

When we feel ashamed of the skin coffin we exist in everyday, we’re training our inner biological chemistry to dull our purest potential by being actively blinded by vanity and our ideas around feeling worthy enough, alongside, denial of space that we deserve to take up. And so much more. In honoring our flesh and bones, however they are, with love and acceptance (and perhaps some warm sesame oil *wink), slowly and with understanding that it is actually a gift to us. We then can access a version of ourselves that has been longing to be seen.

But before that, we can allow ourselves to show up as all that we are without our own hinderance. We can put aside the judgments of ourselves and what we should look like. And we we can utilize our bones, as they are, to carry us proudly through our experience while we’re here.

God gave you this body as a vehicle to overcome your unique lessons within, not to be a distracting false sense of image in the world, or to be like anyone other than you.

Your skin carries your chosen lifetimes karma. What are your challenges in that telling you, that needs some extra listening? How has it been holding you back from what you deserve?

Sometimes, we feel more accepted in the world if we feel “attractive.”

Sometimes, we feel more seen in the world if we look “attractive.”

Sometimes, we feel more secure inside ourselves if we think we appear beautiful on the outside. Yet, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

We cannot hide from the Earth, as we cannot hide from ourselves. When we establish that there is a disconnect in our relationship with our bodies, especially in not taking care of our bodies, we see that there is a disconnect on a deeper level within our hearts.

This is a journey closer to Self Love.

The answer is: feeling what it’s like to not think about what it always looks like, and being in love with all of you, instead. Without judgment. Without comparison. Only love.


Ray of Light

If this topic really stirred something up within you, I’m offering private 1:1 healing sessions to those struggling with identity and self love in person and virtually to bring you back home to understanding you. Please reach out at Kieran.bammann@gmail.com to schedule a consultation or have questions answered! <3