art of healing


The honest answer… you don’t. But you grow.

I’m weary of the messages from instagram influencers, owning a yoga studio, being a full time instructor, living in a van but working remotely, being a musician or artist, all the idealistic jobs you could think about have the same common denominator and it’s overworking.

More and more these days individuals are suffering from internal burnout even with their ideal job. The truth, sometimes the ideal isn’t as ideal as you had imagined. On the flip, there's the possibility to harness back into the un-voided, un-jaded energy that blossomed your ideal in the first place – or maybe we’re not even living the ideal life and just getting by. THAT’S OKAY TOO.. however, a whole different subject.

What I’m saying is there’s usually more of a negative infiltration when we’ve been doing the same career path after a long time but there is hope to re-narrate it. It starts before you reach burn out, so if you’re sitting here saying, hey that’s me, I feel pretty hopeless and rock bottom with how my life is, love, there’s always lower. We’re not going to get there though.

But what is the answer when in a patriarchal, capitalist, work for The Man society and then you get the boot instead of appraisal or worse, forgotten about and I've given literally everything to be where I am? Well, the answer is space. You’re squeezing your orange absolutely dry, repetitively, and expecting more juice. The answer is: what are you not doing that gives you peace, that gives you time for you, that makes you feel alive with your rasa-senses tingling! Juicy, whole, full, creative, one, and simply happy. At what point in your day or your week do you feel you give yourself to replenish? But here’s the thing in the Modern Wombxn's Digest you probably won’t see, 5 minutes or even that 1 hour is not enough, it's just a good start. Not enough? Well who has that kind of time. DING, DING, DING. You do! because you’re going to make it. 1 hour a day is just the initiation to the turning point of how much time you actually need to feel replenished. Think about this, the average person needs 6-8 hours of sleep every night for all of your natural biological, physicochemical systems to renew. That 1 hour yoga, pilates class is just a good start, which is beautiful on its own.

This has to do with your lifestyle. My loves, if you are chronically doing things to de-stress but not changing the main stressing factor, all of those things are just a band aid. That goddess Shiva Dragon inside of you is gonna burst at some point.

Stop. Taking. On. Too. Much. Do you hear me? Repeat that. Let that sink in. No matter what you do in a day, you are not falling behind, you are not in competition with those around you (socially or on media), and non-productivity is productive. Is that landing? Non-Productivity IS productive. Say it loud and proud.

In this instant and quick world we’ve adapted to, there isn't room for relaxation built into the system unless it’s a service that you’re paying someone else to do. In which- someone else is giving. When I say we need space, the secret ingredient to life, this is where the discomfort settles in. Listen to it. With taking on everything, we must give up something. If this instills fear, GOOD. Now you’re listening. If this isn’t and you’re thinking, that’s easy, GOOD. Now go do it and see how easy it is. 

Typically, we’re overbooking ourselves on a daily basis in fear, in jealousy, in competition, in anger, in shame, in guilt, in curiosity, in love, in desire, in want, I could go on. We start at a point that is ambitious, let’s say that, and with good intention based on a desire and then months, years down the line we are breathing through taped together straws from the bottom of the ocean. Is that success to you?

I’m not saying to sacrifice everything to give yourself peace, however inviting you to question what you cannot and can change. This begins with a choice. As simple as choosing to have that beer on the couch and binge watch your favorite Netflix series over getting good sleep or rushing your Goddess shower routine to cram a Digiorno and go out with friends. We’ve all been there. And of course, kindly, there are always factors that you cannot change because of things like debt or owning a business. However, to see both sides is where you can reclaim your power without victimizing or putting yourself in a shame box. 

The moral of the story, we go, go, go and crave more of that because of the “it’s cool, everyones doing it” vibe. But in order to find our healing (which is ever-flowing) and work a full time job, it has to start with you, your decisions and how much space you’re willing to give yourself. It’s healthy to take breaks from working. Sometimes that is not in your cards (spiritually, emotionally, financially, we can make all of the excuses). I mean, why wait for that lavish, super planned, expensive vacation that you’ve probably jam packed so hard that you’ll need another vacation to revive yourself from. Make some point of everyday your vacation. The money aspect will always be there, how can you work with it instead of it against you. 

Last secret Ayurvedic tip I have for you: The more time you give yourself, the more creatively free you will feel, the higher your libido will be, the more in tune with your physical-emotional self you’ll be, the more in tune with your surroundings and nature you will be, relationships and love will flourish and the lighter you will feel (this may take time for my Vata’s out there). This will ripple outward to others as they see you’re less stressed and more blessed.

Lovely ladies, theys & thems, mystical everythings, be conscious with your prana and take back your witchy time that you deserve because no one else will do it for you.


Ray of Light