You are born a blank slate of kindness, creation, peace, love and purpose. How do we stray so far from the simplicity in that?

Take a moment to remember little-you. What were they like? What were their quirks and mannerisms? What lit them up like a light and brought the purest form of joy? Without rejecting the answers, play the memories and laugh at the similarities to who you are today. Remember.

We’ve developed a conditioning to think we are separate; ourselves from ourselves. For example, we emphasize this verbally when we speak about the person we used to be, when really we are still that person, just an evolved version that listened and learned.

Every moment we are gifted the opportunity to grow, to listen, to experience and to learn from our intuition. A frequency located in the womb region for men and women that is instilled with a wisdom so potent, raw and unchanging. She shows up as a mother would for her children, with the utmost purest form of kindness, creation, peace, love and purpose.

And yet we are so lost all of the time, wandering around in our heads, confusing our truest feelings with our thoughts. 

Yet as we age, what she wants for you and what society tells you you want for you become a fire inside that gets lost within one another. We develop a knack for making decisions from a place of reactivity to emotions rather than a place of deep safety and knowing. We choose to believe our thoughts over our feelings.

She grows darker and quiet and your mind– obnoxious and wild. Stirring with thoughts that intentionally separate you further from the land you live on, with nature that provides your nourishment and with yourSelf.

But she is always there, for as loud as you want to listen or as silenced as you make her vibrations, she is a part of you that holds your true nature's secret. However, she also holds all of your trauma and stores your memories. She weeps when you weep and when you hold it in she holds that, too.

She is the only part of you that knows your hearts truth and yet she is the hardest for you to trust.

But she is the most patient part of your being, even if your mind is not. She is the subtle most pure knowing essence in you that is also you. She knows what’s best for you and her greatest power is divining you back with yourself: to not believe the mind’s games and trickery but to believe in yourself and teach you to listen to the signs that align you back to the path that is your purpose.

She makes no mistakes and doesn't lie or overwhelm you, however, she might not tell you what you want to hear in those moments. She might even encourage you into what feels like darkness or situations that we feel not ready for.

But have patience back with her, and you’ll receive the light she is trying to gift you. She will show you that all our perceived darkness is only as dark as we are willing to let it be. 

When we are lost, she hopes we come back to her through our breath, to seek the information that she holds to bring us clarity, for she doesn’t want us to be hurt. Our hurt is our mind stepping in the way of receiving the proper message.

That nothing is in our control and we’re here to make peace with our individual paths. 

That we all have a unique purpose to serve and heal those darkest parts of ourselves so that we may know our true Buddha nature.

With this, we return back home, through any situation, to kindness, creation, peace, love and purpose without harming ourselves, our environment and others.

She teaches us to see what we already know and guides us to understand what we do not. She teaches us that our pain isn’t pain at all; that it’s feeling with attachment mixed with the karma of our ancestors. She teaches us to trust that we already have everything we need and to surrender and follow that knowing. She teaches us the hardest lessons to be and accept who we are and where we are; we are what gets in our own way.

A Practice for Conscious Energy Work:

The next time you are asked to make a decision, no matter how big or small, ask if this feels good (and depending- safe). Close your eyes if you want to. This is a practice, so have patience. You might notice that your mind will step in like an angel and a devil on your shoulders to deter your original intent and confuse the answer with things like practicalities, fears and memories. You might notice that actually other aspects you didn’t realize might be showing up and have influence on that decision. Practice choosing the first thing that comes to your mind. If you feel the need to go against it, question what you are feeling and what's showing up to make you second guess. Analyze those feelings, gently. Become more aware.


Ray of Light

The purest act of service is to share what touches your heart with others. If this blog assists you in your healing, send it to someone else who might need the same love and support you felt in reading. Feel open to share in the comments below.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.